


Paradigm, fading away
A dying concept, a dimming ray
Once so strong, so boldly held
But now it crumbles, its foundations swelled
A world once black and white
But now colors blend, day and night
Lines blurred, boundaries gone
The old ways, they don't belong
In this new age, thoughts roam free
No longer bound by old decree
Innovations, ideas, a constant flow
The paradigm, it's starting to show
The cracks forming, the pieces fall
As the new generation stands tall
Breaking free from the old mold
A new paradigm, they boldly unfold
No longer confined, no longer restrained
They speak their minds, they're unchained
The dying paradigm, it tries to hold on
But its time has passed, its relevance gone
A new perspective, a different view
The dying paradigm, it bids adieu
As the world moves forward, it's left behind
A relic of the past, a fading paradigm
But let us not forget, its impact still felt
The lessons learned, the paths it's paved
For without it, we wouldn't be
In this new paradigm, we're finally free.

Authorship by Dr. Dashaun Snipes
©️ Dr. Dashaun Snipes
®️ Paradigm

© ApproximatePower

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