

Dear bestieee...
Turned my life's sixteen pages,
Worst time to adapt to changes.
New school, new teachers, new classmates,
Anxiety kicked me, my hand vibrates.

Hey you, come and sit here,
Laughing at the corner, my fear.
Shy stricken I went and sat,
Tried to have a nice little chat.

Thought she was the class bully,
Began chatting with her nervously.
'Metamorphosis' of chats into gossips,
That's the crazy part of friendships.

Prejudiced her as a grumpy aunt,
Little did I know she was a tiny demon, God I can't.
Here it is, the day i feared,
The path ahead as is two wayed.

She chose left, I chose right,
Least thing I could do is write.
Wishing you to get good friends,
But no way giving them the Bestie title.

If one of us die I want me to be the first,
So that I can torture you in your dreams.
Complimenting you, oh please i can't,
But still merci pour votre aide.

© Aryananda
Dedicated to aquino mariyam atly