

Never Again
I'm only human it's normal to feel things
Yet ain't this too much for a mere me
The pain and loneliness is sickening
Oh, I can't keep this up,
I thought I'm healing..

But my heart's too sensitive to every vibes
The universe is saying that I will be fine
To deal with trust issues sure is hard
My mind keeps blocking and says,
"I'll just be alone, alright"

Don't ask me bout love, I'm past that
Not interested, not open for one
I'm tired and sick of every lies
To love seems easy but hard to do
But sorry, I'll avoid it cause
"I'll never be fooled"

I onced loved and gave my power
Left vulnerable, wounded and used
Never again will I experience that pain
I'll do what I can to build this wall so high
So, no one can reach that soft spot again.

© wrhyn