

Love Does Not Oppress
If any think that love oppresses I must contend,
for the One that I know as Love will never oppress, teach oppression, nor imitate any of the ways of the oppressor.
Can a heart mix other things like lust, greed, envy into how the give or recieve love? Yes, and this is not just oppressing the one that does it and those others involved, but first and foremost it oppresses the Spirit of the Love of Life beating our hearts.
Love is God, the very love that we depend on recieving until we learn to love back; He is the One that it is offensive unto.
God is pure, more than the purest thing we know, for that gets it/hers/his purity from Him. And to pervert, distort, misuse, deny, reject, oppose in any way is truly opposing our very love of life.
So, we will face all this love coming and going from our hearts on Judgement Day will account what we did to that love.
So, let us face our new days with preparing to stand face to face with the love of life Himself. God's blessings.
© Brother Stephen Scottt