

The Nighttime
The long dim shadows,
Of surrounding trees,
The hooting sound of an owl,
With enchanting whispers of the breeze,

it’s dark outside
but I like that
some don’t but
i feel at peace

listening to the surrounding
the hooting of the owl
the breeze through the oaks branches
I feel safe and sound

sure there are things out there
in the dark where I can’t see
but it’s no different from the day
where they still stalk from within the shadows

At least here I can’t see them
I feel at peace
I feel alone
with the world quieted down

I can focus
on my own thoughts
without the buzz of people
all around

suffocating me
until I almost can’t breathe
but here
in the dark

I can bereathe fully
without focusing on others
I can look into the night sky
and know I can be myself

just for a little while
with no judgement
and no worry
because the people are peacefully sleeping
© Caitlin