

Hey! stranger!🤍🌼☄️
Hey! stranger!
i know you heard,
to let your love grow , you must let it go
to let your words flow, you must let it go
to let yourself valued, you must let it go
I know and i guess all of us know,
it hurts like an ache in heart ,
it hurts like a pinch on the stomach,
it hurts exactly getting your doll
But, for we must know that,
holding on causes more pain,
than letting it go!
I know it's hurting
even more,
you know what hurts more?
to be not able to feel the pain
when we want to!
when we want those ocean of tears
to come over to get our eyes drenched!
For we know the promises were just
well said lies!
for there are no one when we're in closed doors crying!
All we should do is to stop questioning ourselves if we could have done more!
It's more than enough,
to let it go! 🤍☄️
