

He  found himself moonstruck ,
by the mysterious stranger
Aimlessly roaming around,
in the rain kissed street
Who's lost enjoying,
the sweet petrichor in the air
And the lucent of twilight
An euphoric passion in his heart,
promised to ignite
Even before he would ruminate,
he was drawn to her presence
When his eyes met for a moment,
with the orphic wanderlust spirit
Clouded his mind an unfamiliar,
longingness and took over his senses

Couldn't help his curiosity,
but pondered
Would this limerence of serendipity,
take him to her
Perhaps it might be nothing but,
a worthless blunder
Yet he followed the lady,
who made his heart flutter

He desperately chased behind,
the unknown intruder
As the sun went hidding behind,
curtains of dark cloud 
And to his disappointment,
the rain just began to pour
Before he could catch another glimpse,
the lady had vanished,
in the swarming damp road 

© divyajyoti