

wisdom whispers
you already know
wisdom whispers he’s gone for sure
your gut feels it all it’s never wrong
you tried your best
you sacrificed life
just to be stabbed in the back with a jagged rusty knife
u feel the infection seep into your soul
as it withers away so jaded and cold
you look into the mirror
and ask
what happend here
this isn’t me
where did I go as my head lays down to sleep
eternal slumber is what you prayed for but now tht it’s here u can’t walk through the door it’s a scary road to try and walk down you didn’t want to walk it alone
but your now an abandoned soul who is forced to walk tht road alone
you see the fork I. the road
what will you do
right or left
you must choose
so u go straight cause your making your new path no haters here in your new game all the rules on you so this won’t be rhe same now your responsible for your entire life
and u do this so you don’t ever again see the jagged rusty knife

© Reaper Weaper