

Finding Strength Within..
Every morning awake to the same reality.
vividly dreaming of a better existence.
Wishing I didn't have shoes that were deteriorating underneath my Feet.
Thankful I have them at all.
Emptying out old dirty water so I may take a shower.
With a mop bucket bI should add.
Thankful I have running water and power.
Oh, how I wish this was a play..
What can I say.. ?
I'm thankful I'm not alone.
It would be so nice to give up and cry..
However, that isn't my style..
While I feel like everything is deteriorating at least I have love to keep me warm.
I have loving dogs.
I'm thankful I have a clothes line.
My washer and dryer are on the fritz.
I'm thankful I'm not throwing fits.
My bed is on the floor.
Eating at the soup kitchen three days a week
Thankful that I'm working.
Praying that I don't end up on the street.
My Bills are being paid.
I might not have it made.
However, I don't have to worry about that part.
Performing life like it's an art.
I'm tired of pretending everything is fine.
As Time keeps ticking by, roaches are passing me by.
I'm thankful you bring me so much delight.
Each day I do my part to bring a smile to the people around me.
While inside my emotions I hide.
What can I say perspective is everything?
I've been informed same days I stink.
I still find the strength within to continue to live, smile and give an award winning performance.

© Life is amazing, if you let it be!