

worth it or worst it goes!

Green grasslands, blue skies,

Bright day with the healthy smile,

Peace around the cities and towns,s

Blue sky and flying clouds,

Oh! A river never been stopped

For years and years around.

Streets and villages in parks and playgrounds,

Children's shouting with laughter around,

Birds chirruping in the footpath and ways,

Fresh air, fresh breath inhaled moving forward,

Dusk to dawn, day to night,

Times are having the greatest fight.

Our nation was once the way I said,

But , softly slowly the time has fade,

Now and then pollutions in an around,

Lost moments are never been found,

Pollution ,pollution is only seen now,

Dirty roads and streets is how?

Fights and fears,cries and shouts,

Selfish mens and citizens with doubts,

Factories ,industries ,buildings and resorts,

Zoo ,restaurant ,homestay and efforts,

Is all we need ,we care ,we did,

Trees been chopped and different build ups,

Advanced ,improved and up to date,

We grow a lot, we know a lot,

Will learn weekend got perfect award.

Garbages burnt bags to bags,

Plastic and rappers in use mass,

Water been polluted by industries invented,

Noise pollution caused by machines created.

Easy life hacks and suggestions,

Easy world ,increased populations,

Beauty of earth ,beauty of nation,

Is been lost far behind seasons ,

Garbage is all we find everywhere,

Orders and stinky and no fresh air,

Smoke and dust and pollution spread over,

Rappers ,plastic bag and footprint covers.

Comforts ruined the nature's glamour,

Peace and love is daily been hamered,

Still a hope is left to regain the loss,

Buy planting trees and corruption paused,

No rappers ,no corruption,

No fights ,no debate,

No superior ,no fear,

No pollution spread in air,

All we have is a heaven to live,

Let's be together happily survive,

Cause each of us Clearly knows,

Worth it or worst it goes !

-blossom 13