

synchronicity of these symphonies from me and my high above me so goes the flow below me down to the ground breaking bad and all I hear is Jesse we need to cook 🎶 there's no pole zone no go puff cacao pebbles mario van peobles the peoples descartes of good and evil God and devil cart and buggy pull start the power horse and everse this hearse behind your grave yard to miss the stake in your heart you claim and chances are you got front row seats to see my show not me not show up chuck a fuck sneaky snake snuck up on me, unique freak me don't speak gwen stefanazi no doubt sounds of the under ground zero are too weird to hear as the remote controlled plane steers and the news who did this can never get sued first response to hang my hopes with this rope to cope with the burning bush been Latin eploribus un ummmm what is on going is it going on? somethings wrong so sing this song of songs its not too long Foo long moo so she sells sashimi to me by the sea shore that's me on the mountain top so stop and be the mount meru eden Shambala shit be the the rupis Negra oh so center also all so false flag staged where she stays for days and makes the waves orca pod tides go a little tilt a whirly pool but billiards is better then 8 ball 9 ball 10 balls sold so read the signs and know you're not on a ball superman superbowl super full half time show is super famous fun time guys targeted dream incubation the nation you know hypnosis the closest to religious gnosis I noticed and you know I knows this burning bush gets high with Moses I suppose it is almost just the apotheosis of Jesus Jesse ASTROTHEOLOGICAL ALLEGORY ITS HIS STORY in the making its history REPEATING as symphonies in synchronicity make your ears keep bleeding and I keep speaking 🔊
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