

Maybe We Aren't so Whole as we Boast!
We all zoomed off trumpeting her mess
from housetops, and then the barnyards
Even in the bayou.
We all gloat on our saintliness -
We've never dip a cuss or two
Let alone going with those who do…
In our pride, we couldn't help
But call unclean what God hath declared clean.
We demanded to see and hear proof
For us... Jesus' blood wasn't good enough.

She came all giddy with salvation's Joy
But soon, we all pushed her into the cold waters of religion
When did it become holiness
To go about in long skirt with a long face?
When did smiling become profane?
How did merely praying loud and screaming hard become the way of the cross?
Well, from pale to stale
Her faith starts to fail:
Sadly! Thanks to you and me…

Still we all congregate agog with joy
As we hear her tale of grace to grass from passers-by.
We doubled as judge and jury over her…
She's a goner! No, hellbound!
"And she called herself a Christian!" Another sneered with a hellish disdain.
I wish I have the poetic licence
To pen down their criticisings.
But it was you and me that made a monster of her.
We didn't give her time to know
We never loved her enough to grow
We magnify nothing more but only the 'show'
Maybe we aren't so whole as we boast!

© Jed's