

Meaning of Life
Spoken wisely by Ross Dops
“They say ‘it is what it is’
but I don’t think that it is,”
Singing while dragging the mop

My mind zooms out from this moment
Where I am at this exact time
Is nothing compared to time
And a world spread natural occurrence

I’m a speck in the eyes of God
But where does he exist?
Is it above the clouds or at the life exit?
Unless he’s hiding in the dark bog

What in the world, we aren’t the only world
There’s more than just us
There’s more than this universe
It’s too much for a simple girl

If you leave the milky way behind
What’s out there beyond ourselves
What’s dangerous but not developed
Soon a way to touch the sun we’ll find

Outside of our orbit I forgot what’s there
In grade school they explained
But it must have all been in vain
Intricate space like intricate braids in hair

Star hopping light years into the future
To find what lays beyond
The Milky Way and fresh cut lawns
To escape infuriating humor

If I ever reach the edge of existence
What ever shall I find?
Me and the border will combine
I’ll be part a mysterious insistence

Is there an edge? Or does space never end
Floating around in deadly air
God where are you please say you’re there
If I find something a message will I send

When we die can we see anything
Can we touch or visit our family
Can we eat or have fun or do makeup in a vanity
Will I see the man I am now marrying

Do we think thoughts or cease to exist
What would that feel like?
I wonder curiously in fright
Head filled with a thickly sworn mist

Scared to die is an understatement
Im petrified of the end
I’m afraid of the descent or to ascend
But my professor says death so blatant

When I go do I get to see the universe
Is there more universes?
A group of multiverses?
Is there more people on a different Earth?

I’m confused beyond reason
But for now I’ll ponder
Stare at eclipses and sonder
Capsulated by my quiet treason

© Waiteing