

Of Songs and Rainbows
Perhaps experiment on anything..
Breathe, climb, let go
Perhaps the mountains would understand

The way I did when the sun sets
The way you did when the sun rises

Live, breathe, go on..
Let go, hold on, keep it all in..
Perhaps the sky would understand

The way I did when the forest burns
The way you did when the forest lives

Step forward, step back..
Ain't that just the way?
Live live live
Life life life
Smile when the rain subsides
Smile when the rainbow plays
a sweet symphony they call

Ah yes, I did forget..
I did forget what the Earth whispered..
Something about games

And yes, I, too, forgot
The sweet little symphony
Birds used to sing

Live, friend
This song we used to sing
Love, dear friend
In a way children understand

Perhaps none of this was supposed to be..
.. Complicated
And perhaps none of this
Was supposed to be..


© altairsolaris