

Is this the truth?
I feel lost...
My chest hurts...

There are words in my mouth
Pictures in my head

The rumbling of my thoughts
The discomfort in my body

I can't breathe
Although I smile

I laugh
Although I cry

This itching in my chest
I can't peel it off

What is this?
Is it pain?

My shoulders are lagging
Just like a bridge with a crack

They don't care
They still walk on that old bridge

Am I a bridge?
Why do I feel like one?

I loved colours
I was colourful

Now, I see shades of grey
I look grey

What to do?
Feels like a hole

Still in that hole
They come to me

This! That!
I give them

Me! In a hole
No one sees that

They come again
Here! There!

Me! In that hole
No hears me

So Wicked!

I cry in despair
I comfort myself

I prayed silently
I hoped daily

I see a bit of light
It becomes my joy

I hold on to it
And fight through

The hole hug me right
It likes me I guess

But I need more
More than that space

I see a vast land ahead
With bright light

So beautiful
I longed for it

The hole hugs me tighter
I struggle

I asked...

I remember!

Words in my mouth
Say them!

Thoughts in my head
Fix them

Can't move on
So much tying me down

I try...
I try harder...

But it's stuck
In my mouth

Do I wait?
Until they fade away?

This I ask
Yet no one answers

Am I alone?
Is this the truth?

© mahrylove