

Echoes Of Love
In the quiet of the night, I feel your gentle presence,
Though you're gone from sight, you remain in my essence.

Memories like whispers, softly echoing in my heart,
Your love, your wisdom, a bond that will never depart.

In heaven's embrace, you watch over me with care,
Guiding me through life, though you're no longer there.

I cherish every moment, every smile, every tear,
Knowing you're always with me, comforting and near.

Though I miss your laughter, your comforting embrace,
I find solace in knowing you're in a better place.

Until we meet again, in heaven's golden light,
I'll hold onto our memories, forever bright.

For you taught me love, and that love will remain,
In my heart forever, amidst joy and pain.

Missing you deeply, yet feeling your love so strong,
In my heart forever, where you truly belong.
© lunairwrites