

Sweet, Honest Friend
A dark chasm deepens--
To a point nearing eternity.
From where she stands,
There is no place of end.

Tears stain a face--
That cannot be relieved by laughter.
Nor can it smile.
Joyous memories have long ago fled.
Days pass unnoticed.
Neither exhaustion nor hunger is quenched.
Not one dream escapes--
From bloody mares of Night's hues.

The dark void deepens still--
Within a mind poisoned by pain.
While one dull, lustrous friend--
Waits for her to cry out--
For aid from Him.

And her trembling hand does reach.

It reaches to grasp--
A single strand of lost power.
It reaches to cure--
An excruciating disease that steals strength.

She closes her eyes--
And searches for courage--
Pleads for serenity, but--
Courage's flame has left.
Serenity may only rest with Him.

Her trembling ceases--
As he tenderly pierces her skin.
Warmth floods the cold--
And permits hollow eyes to flee--
From her living darkness--
On to eternity--
with Him, her sweet, honest friend.

© caspershay