

Land of the Free Home of the Brave
Land of the free
Home of the brave
But wait look around
Everyones afraid

Afraid of this place
And what were being told
Its so beyond intense
How deep this shit goes

Cuz we really dont know
Whats going on
But they say the coronas out there
And we gotta stay home

The illness is fatal
So dont get sick
But chances of dying is only 1%
Yet the precautions are so drastic
And this shit doesnt make sense

Stay home they tell us
Or say goodbye to the life you live
Uhhhh more like stay home
So y'all can keep ur agenda hid

Wish i knew what was coming
Soon enough to get prepared
I can't stand to fucking see
Everyone so gahdamn scared

Its being easily enforced
And things are going their way
Cause they used fear to control
Now we're all controlled and afraid

Whatever is happening now
The end of its near
And whatevers coming from this
Will soon be here

Ya dont believe
Ya think im crazy
I hope i am tho
And we all get out safely

Land of the free
Home of the brave
Yet were ordered to stay
And being told to seperate

Land of the free
Home of the brave
But if you look around you'll see
That everyone's really afraid

#coronavirus #conspirator #plzdiscuss #plzcritique