

Walked into the liquor store
Colt pistol in his coat
Robbie needs a real big score
His fate is hanging by a rope
18 years he did survive
On streets paved with lost souls
He was nobody’s apple of their eye
Drugs and women had control
Mother was the needles slave
A hot bent spoon on the table
Robbie’s goodness caved
Now he’s sweating and unstable
Behind the counter a tiny man
Tonight, he barely getting by
Sipping a cold Pepsi from a can
He looks into Robbie’s eyes
“Young man, you have a troubled face,
Is there something on your mind?
Would you like some free grace
Would you like some of my time?”
Robbie felt he had no choice
If he got caught, he would die in jail
Yet the man had a calming voice
So, he let the man prevail.
“What can you do?
Who do you think you be?
I got nothing to lose,
Either way I am not free!
no loving home for me to go

If I shoot you, I will get paid.”
The old man said “I know I know!
How you feel is such a shame.
If you shoot me, you lose your peace
In your mind my death will stay
Happiness will never be reached
Your youth will fade away”
Robbie felt his words ring true
He still felt there was no way out
“Old man, tell me…what can I do?”
As he struggled to find his ground.
“How can I find another way?
This way is the law of street
Whatever could you possibly say?”
Robbie felt his anger retreat.
“ My son you can change your fate
You are the driver of your life
Throw away thoughts of hate
Even the Devil has a light.
Be the man you with good intent
Don’t be nobody’s fool

Let forgiveness and kindness present
Please don’t let your selfish pride rule.
Start each day with a mission
Begin each day and change
Learn new things and start to listen
Let kindness be that which remains “

His words were words to keep
He placed his cold gun on the floor
He fell down to his knees
He cried until he cried no more.
Every morning before the day
Robbie came to see this old man
He is still poor but has grace
And a strength to withstand
At night he works very late
During the days he goes to school
No more guns or hate that resonates
Robbie is no longer someone’s fool.

© StephenPuls1970