

The Snow Fell
The snow fell,
cold and icy into your mind,
as you laid awake,
questioning how you got here,

You watch him sleep peacefully in bed next to you,
as your inner mantra chants in your mind,
push him away, push him away,
before things get too serious.

The scary part is when he makes the snow in your mind melt,
when he drags you and up and away from your perfect internal temperature,
Numb, icy and frigid,
a perfect Kelvin 0,

Or how when he stops touching you.
it returns as fast as a winter breeze possibly can,
The storm kicks up to a blizzard before you know it,
panicking , whirling thoughts.
How to break up perfectly,
what act of cruelty to make absolutely sure you drive him away ,
nobody will ever love you,
you're unworthy ,
He begins to stir in his sleep and drapes a warm comforting arm over you,
dragging you closer,
and the storm begins to finally lighten up and dissipate
© amaltheafiore