

You are weary of this excruciating pain/ you feel the earth spin around your blurry eyes/for you, the end has finally come/no words—not even one ushered out of a still voice—could calm the storms around you/you think the father has turned his back on you/you think everyone's gone deaf to your cries/you think no one cares!
But it's all fibs, playing tricks on your frail mind, spreading lies, regrets, and hollowness on you.
What I know is,
your infirmity is stronger than a graphene's strength/there's a rebirth of freshness and drops of hope, joy, and gratitude in you. 
You never wished to be bruised by life's thorns/but here they are, all over you/wildly ripping your flesh off .

But it doesn't end this way/there's always a healing that flows beyond the cathartic release/you've just got to catch it/take a look around/ it's here/take a deep breath of it/slowly/there you go. 


© Adejumobi Oluwatomiloba

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