

The Real Nightmare
I don’t know how it happened
Or when and where it happened
All I know is that one day I woke up
From what seemed like a nap

Stuck in this constant nightmare

I see people suffer in poverty
Teenagers wasting time and money
Thinking life is all about the party

Women used and abused
Assaulted and underestimated
Judged and misjudged
By man, who expects them to be perfect

I see jobless people struggling in life
While the privileged are busy wasting their lives
I see my peers drown in their vices
The poor begging the government to hear their voices

Man abused and accused
Generalized and standardized
Insulted and mistreated
By women who expect them to be flawless

This is nightmare
And this nightmare is our reality.
Don’t you agree?

© -michi