

Just as the burning candle fades🕯
ike a candle's flame, I wish to fade,
Before old age's burdens invade.
To taste the world's wonders, then bid farewell,
And leave behind stories no one can quell.

For youth holds beauty, a colorful hue,
As I dance in life's moments, feeling anew.
I wish not to wither, like leaves in the fall,
But to embrace freedom, standing tall.

Oh, let me depart like a flickering spark,
Before time leaves its mark, etched deep in the dark.
Before wrinkles claim my youthful grace,
Let me escape to a heavenly place.

Like a candle's light, a brief but bright gleam,
I yearn to shine fiercely, fulfilling my dream.
To burn out gracefully, without losing my flame,
To leave a legacy others will proclaim.

In my final moments, when my light starts to fade,
May I have lived fully, not a second mislaid.
Like a candle's dance, wild and free,
I'll surrender my soul, at peace, and be free.

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