

The world of imagination!!!..
When i searched out the mystery of 'reality', I don't found any sign of mine imagine.
Is there no any Fairies or Evils whose I love in!.
Apart from imagine who will call me 'Majesty'.
So strange & terrible is the world of reality.
Let's make it the world of "imagination".
Where Dragon can fly and Fairy can live without frustration.
Take some inspiration and make it an 'Illusion'.
Take some Sprinkles and Crystals decorate it on the sky,
Create a little Further and show You can also fly.
Fill some colors in sadness and make it apply.
And have some magic of particles as they alive,
And watch out from evils who are coming with fired dragons.
Then I made some Fairies and Angles with unicorns wagon & saying some slogan.
Then, I asked with me are they Occur what it seems,
Suddenly I was got up and said " THAT WAS A DREAM."