

winter yet is warm

Silhouettes of teens out late of the night
Maybe the loneliness, did I hear a snowball fight
The window frost, a wild soul loose in the cold
Her curls like a campfire, her heart bold as gold
Her lovely gesture of a friendly fiction about
a next door, an unruly beauty, sounds like her, no doubt
Cups of rich, creamy chocolate cocoa, didn't sit well
Like moths flittering my gut, not one to know nor tell
Just by the sighting of her in ease, number to the toes
Curiosity a ice encased willow it sure grows
Her silly snow angel yet she's one as pure... Maybe?
Their laughter echoing of joy, why do I envy
Through the panel, through the frost, our eyes in a way link
Her gentle smile, her innocent wave, her little wink
Who screams do you wanna build a snowman together
Why can't I say yes, alone in thoughts yet whether
the flakes glittering small and light like a dazzle
Winter is warm up here in my world of a castle