

It's you
We met at our friend's house,
You were the lion, I was the mouse,

I never believed in love at first sight,
But you were the one who proved this theory right,

I started feeling a weird ache in my heart,
But didn't realize it was you who made it start,

You were my Heathcliff, I was your Catherine,
But I never wanted us to end like them,

I will never blame you for our end,
Because it was me who let that happen,

If you thought that I never loved you,
Just know this, you were air to my lungs,

In fact, you are air to my lungs,
You are the only silver lining to my clouds,

You once asked me to be your forever,
I regret why didn't I ask you to leave me never,

Though I am really grateful to have you in my life,
Because the moments with you became my life,

I swear there was not a single day where I didn't think about you,
And I know neither there will be Because it's you.

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