

My grandfather
I've sat here for years
Waiting for my grandfather to show up
Before he left
He would tell me why he made this weird sound
It always went tick tock tick tock
He also told me that he would come back
A week after he left
Another thing came
It said that he was the grandfather clock
But it's impossible!
He's just a pile of planks
Ever since grandfather clock left,
It's been very quiet
I like the silence
It has been too quiet though
As time flew by
I began to miss grandfather
Then a little box began reading something
It read poems I believe
It told me stories
Sad and happy
Scary and exciting
They all helped me pass the time
The rhymes I hear now make me so excited
Then there was a ticking sound
It was grandfather!
I missed him dearly
I told him everything
There was no reply
I was still happy even though I couldn't see him
I hope he has a good adventure

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