

In life's grand tapestry, we weave and stray,
A thread may fray, but never fully slips away.
For what is meant for you, in time will reappear,
A destined path, a bond that's strong and clear.
A whisper in the wind, a chance encounter's grace,
A sign, a symbol, in a serendipitous place.
The universe conspires to bring what's right,
A beacon shining, in the darkest of night.
Though lost, it's never truly gone, just hidden from sight,
A treasure waiting, for the one who dares to fight.
Believe in the journey, trust the path unfolds,
For what is meant for you, in time, will be retold.
So hold on to your dreams, and let your heart take flight,
Embrace the mysteries of life, in the soft moonlight.
For what is meant for you, will find its way,
A journey of love, a story to display.
© प्रियंका

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