

I am more
I am more than my body
I am more than a fuck
I'm am more than just another chick in a hotel room with you laid up
I am more than you see
Because you don't see me
For u look with your eyes and only see physically
I am more than your girl or even your baby mama
I am more than the fussing the fighting and drama
I am wonderfully made
In me can be found the fountain of youth
I am a treasure a diamond God's imperfect Jewel
I stand tall I am Royal and everyday I ware my crown
I was created to be uplifted
And not to be put down
I was made from man's rib to be his help mate
Not to be misused abused and degraded
I know my worth and love in the mirror who I see
I know who I am even if you don't know me.....
© seven22