

Quiet rage (Reverse Poem2)
I inherited the seeds of madness
Painted in a single brush of anguish
With angels of death stood by my side
I was born with sorrow fated with my demise
Neither could a prince salvate my fear
Nor could I cry for anyone's help
For am I really fated with such cruelty
But I am a child born for being abandoned
With none to hear my pleas
And none to come seeking for me
Stranded like an unruly weed
Unescorted in a solitary night
Am I really such a nuisance that born
For you to blaze my existence like jest
And to think I will let you liveb
Peacefully in serenity;
Yet I stand quite in a painting
With emotions of wary swirling in me
I am a painting that had been once drawn
To be only drawn by the madman in me

© Charchita. C

#questioning #helplessness