

How To Learn And Grow

The only way you can learn and grow from your mistakes in life is when you admit them and embrace them, that is when you will likely not make the same mistake again, but if you allow pride and ego to cloud your judgment instead admitting to your mistakes because you don't want people to see you like you don't know what you are doing and laugh at you, then you will keep repeating the same mistakes and you will be stuck in one place because of pride, you will not change and if you don't change, you can not grow, everybody makes mistakes, but the people who are not afraid to admit and learn are the wisest people and smartest people, be smart enough to accept when you are wrong, it is called; being "RESPONSIBLE".

It might be uncomfortable for that moment but that uncomfort and guilt you feel when you admit to it is what will always remind you never to make that same mistake because you will never want to put yourself in a position where you will feel that stupid or painful again.

The most strongest characters that can never be broken were made by feeling uncomfortable, feeling uncomfortable by confronting yourself with the harsh truth or reality is the only way you can learn so you will be able to live comfortably in the future, too much comfort conforms you to forget what it feels like to be human, and you live a superficial life and run away from who you are, you can only know your true self when you know when you did the right thing and praise yourself even if no one praise you or query yourself when you do something wrong, that is how you balance things.

It is okay not to be okay, it is okay to be wrong, it is okay to cry, it is okay to ask for help when you need it, it is okay to ask questions when you are lost and it is okay to look for a shoulder to lean on, it is part of being human except you are an alien from another world, anybody who is human and has red blood cells and a heart pumping in their chest who does not display any of these traits when the need for them arises is not living but just breathing.

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