

Hey Love!
Hey Love,
I'm in search of you.
I wanna feel you,
Again like I used to,
When I'd be alone and not feel awful.

Hey Love,
Where have you gone?
For months now I'm in mourn,
Thinking about you is how I wake up every morn.

Hey Love,
Where did you get lost?
Taking away my warmth,
You made my life a frost.

I don't feel you anymore.
Tell me, where did I go wrong?
You're the only thing that I've sought,
For months in my mind,
Thinking where should I find,
You and make everything fine.

I'm happy, I really am.
But there's something missing,
A part of me, the feeling.

I don't know what happened,
But you just went away and never returned.
I used to feel home,
Now to escape this unfamiliarity I've no scope,
I have to cope,
Up with this untill I,
Find you somewhere, then I,
Will feel like me again,
And finally have hope.

© K