

Unveiling My Worth
For too long, I wore a mask of shame
Hiding my trueself, playing a scripted game
Afraid to reveal, the real me inside
Fearful of rejection, I chose to hide.

But now I am breaking free, from the chains that bound
Embracing my authenticity, no longer profound
I'm discovering my strengths, my Passion, my fire
I'm learning to love myself, my heart's greatest desire.

With every step forward, I claim my ground
I stand tall and proud, no longer held down
I celebrate my quirks, my uniqueness, my flair
I am a masterpiece and beyond compare.

My worth is not defined, by external validation
I am enough, regardless of my imperfection's narration
I am worthy of love, of respect, of care
I am me, and that's enough, I am rare.

© Uswat Omotayo