

The Dreamer
"I'm living the dream."
My favorite cynical response
to people asking me how I'm doing.

The American Dream:
Get chewed up by the system,
work your whole life away,
make someone a lotta money,
and just go die someplace.

I take people's money for a living.
I work in a den of sin
and it's right where I belong.
So much money thrown away
over a hand of cards or a spin of a ball
and I couldn't give a fuck less.

I love it when they win
and take the system for a ride,
but they usually give it all back anyway.
Today or tomorrow.
House always wins.

"They didn't build this place
so they could pay everybody."
I feel like there are things
they'd pay me not to say,
but they can't.
There's not enough money in the world.

"I was born heartless.
That's why they hired me."
Something I say when someone loses
and tries to elicit pity.
I snatch their money away as quickly as I can
because I want to keep the game moving.
I'm just so bored.
Lose your money faster, asshole.
Just don't leave my table empty
or I'll be even more bored.

I have no cause.
No aspirations.
Besides my own entertainment and happiness.
Acquiring wealth is folly to me;
I don't need that much money to be happy
and what the hell is the end game?
When are you done?
Why did you bother?

"Fuck it."
A common phrase I never scold players over.
Cuz fuck it.
It's why they're here. It's why I'm here.
I don't give enough of a shit about
making the world a "better" place
because it's subjective.
Trying to make the world
into what I want it to be
is selfish. And pointless. And boring.
So fuck it.

I had a dream once
about changing the world with my writing.
Writing a comedy series
that might make people happy.
But people are scumbags. And so am I.
I'm sure I'd have to hear about it too,
over and over again
because I wrote a joke that hurt somebody
and then told them to
jam a pool cue up their ass
and shake it around until they die.
It'd ruin my chance of having a good time.
So fuck it.

The only dream I still have
is a simple one, but it's difficult to execute:
Find someone I really like,
someone I have a lot in common with,
someone I view as an equal,
someone I respect and admire.
And make her happy.
And be happy with her.

I've found you at long last.
My only dream.
You are all I long for,
all I worship and adore.
But I feel like this dream
is so hopelessly doomed
and it makes me smile
because all I can picture is us
sitting on a rooftop.
You sit in front of me, my arms around you.
We sit and watch the sunset, happy,
even knowing that the sky is falling.

I will dream this dream with you
knowing it will end
so much sooner than I'd prefer
even if we dream forever.

© Little Devil