

Recipes for Living in Love
Thoughts complicate, things are easy
Great-grandma in the kitchen

So easy just 3 ingredients, some bread
Bologne, sweet pickles, and mayonnaise

So simple, until you try to re-create
Not simple, 3 ingredients, what is wrong

The bread is right along with the rest
Something so simple yet not easy to make

Try and try and try again and again
Is the love missing, no the hearts in

Remove the box what do you see
What part is missing in the visual memory

Wait what is it you see that you don't have
Simple it was just not so easy to see

When life seems confusing,take a step back
Live with no box and love what you see

Great-grandma's kitchen, the sandwich
Simple and easy once you see all the parts

Simply live in the moment when you see
How easily it is to imagine and receive

The life you want is just a dimension away
Let your mind's eye to create it's existence

Step back from the process and allow it
What asked in gratitude of what you have

The universe shall bring the sandwich
Recipes of memories from the taste buds

Memories of love, things the world needs
Great-grandma's simple & easy recipes

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