

Aisha, a name that echoes with grace,
A friend so true, with a smile on her face.
Her heart so pure, her soul so bright,
A shining star, in the darkest of night.

With her words, she brings such cheer,
Aisha, a friend, so very dear.
Her laughter fills the air with glee,
A gift from Allah, for all to see.

Her kindness and love, they know no bounds,
As she spreads joy, in leaps and bounds.
Aisha, a friend, with a heart so pure,
A true gem, of that we are sure.

In her presence, we feel so blessed,
As she brings happiness, to all that she's met.
Aisha, a friend, with a heart so true,
May Allah bless her, in all that she'll do.

Her spirit so strong, it shines so bright,
As she walks with Allah, in His divine light.
Aisha, a friend, we honor thee,
And pray Allah's love, forever be with thee. Aisha, a friend so true and kind
A soul that brings joy, to every mind
With her smile, she brightens the day
And with her love, she lights the way

Her heart filled with warmth, and care
As she spreads happiness, everywhere
Aisha, a friend so pure and bright
A beacon of hope, in the darkest of night

She listens with an open heart
And gives us strength, when we fall apart
Aisha, a friend so gentle and wise
She stands by us, through all the lows and highs

Her laughter, a melody to the ear
A sound that fills the heart, with cheer
Aisha, a friend so dear to me
A treasure that I'll cherish, eternally

May Allah bless her, with love and grace
And shower her with blessings, every place
Aisha, a friend so true and kind
A soul that brings joy, to every mind. Aisha, a friend so dear
Her smile, like sunshine, brings us cheer
Her heart so kind, her spirit so bright
A true friend, in whom we find delight

With her laughter, she lifts our soul
And with her words, she makes us whole
Aisha, a friend so full of grace
A shining star, in life's vast space

In her heart, she holds compassion true
And with her deeds, she spreads love anew
Aisha, a friend with a heart so pure
A treasure to cherish, forevermore

With her presence, life is sweet
And with her friendship, we feel complete
Aisha, a friend so rare and true
May Allah bless her, and guide her through

In her name, we find a friend
Whose love and care, never end
Aisha, a friend so dear to our heart
May Allah keep her, never apart.

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