

Moon-ing over!
Whenever I look up in the sky, in the darkness of the night,
Where the moon shines bright, I catch myself smile...
There's something about the moon,
Something enigmatic about the way it looks...
The elegance and the beauty at display,
The calming effect it radiates,
I simply stare at it, feel nothing but peace...
Attracted to its mystique,
The stillness of it, the silence it exhibits,
Living in solitude, such humble attributes...

I feel connected to the moon,
A spiritual leaning, I presume,
I confide in it, it patiently listens to me,
When we don't have much to talk
Together in our silence we go lost...
Some kind of bond we have formed,
In its presence I feel belonged,
Steady and composed goes my mind,
In its shadow, solace I find...
Even from far away I feel its warmth,
Like someone up there is embracing me in its arms...

© Polkola

#moon #relationship #connection #night #bright #dark #bond #silence #smile #solitude