

Fake Love
You made me laugh when I cried.
You held my hand when I was feeling lonely.
Little did I know that you were making such efforts just for her.
I only found that that I was just part of your bet with her.
Now I get it. the same ladder that got me up to the sky is the same one that broke and dropped me to the ground.
I hadn't noticed it was badly rotten inside.
I just thought it was as strong as it was shiny.
I was just lonely before you arrived but I was fine.
Now I always feel lonely because you disappeared out of my life.
I guess it was my fault too, they had told me that in the fairy tale only one frog was actually a prince so there would only be a few frog princes in the world.
But you tricked me with that fake gold crown,
It was actually iron, now rusty with sharp edges.
Which when you morphed back to your true form you dropped from your head when I was right there in front of you.
You watched it cut my heart in half with its sharp edges and left it with a tetanus infected heart, broken in two.
How can I trust anyone with a heart like this.
How do I tell anyone that my prince turned green again and jumped back into the swamps?
But now I understand that a prince charming should always be a charming prince and not turn from a frog.
Because true colours never change.
The green will always be part of it.
You changed me with your fake Love forever.

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