

High on Love's Limb
Amid the orchard's sway, I stand so tall,
A girl, an apple, waiting for the call.
High in the branches, where dreams reside,
I bask in the sunlight, a quiet pride.

Boys linger below, eyes fixed on the ground,
Fearful of heights where true love is found.
Yet, I, a sweet apple, with essence divine,
Patiently wait for a love to entwine.

The winds whisper tales, secrets untold,
Of a boy brave and true, his heart pure gold.
He'll climb the tree with courage untamed,
To claim the apple that love has named.

In patience, I bloom, a radiant hue,
A girl at the top, believing it's true.
For in the orchard of life, destiny weaves,
A love story blossoms among the leaves.
© Airaa