

my invincible man
At rustling nights I hear him speak to me
He called me by my name,
In form of a stranger, he appeared to me
He called me his own like I was a property..
oh! why did you leave me? said he like I knew him for years
He took me by his hands and showed me my home in his mansion like I was his daughter
He gave me clothes and shelter when I lacked none
A father he is to me!
He made my ways smooth like a wonder man and made me walk through them
A thousand may fall at your left,ten thousand at your right but they shall not come near you, He assured like my guard
He called me a destiny child and planned my life before I was even born
he called me his chosen vessel, He sure could make me smile
He loved me when I didn't care and waited till I came back to him..
oh! how much love he showed me
Jesus is He!