

Ride forth against the tide,
Rise above the surf of challenges,
Welcome every sunrise with a vision,
Send off every sunset with hope...

Effort believing transforming, never settle for less. Breathe in the air that motivates. Become better than you ever were. Move with the ability to surge beyond the old into newer possibilities. Allow your confidence to trend, set lofty standards and win. If what you observe in your conscious reflection isn't quite right. Lift yourself from the mundane into a galaxy of starlights. Manifest the pioneer that you can be. Strengthen expectations, become a version of the mighty oak tree. Separate from the pack, settle for nothing less. Identify what you really want. Practice until positive habits are form. Bask in the the sunlight of encouraging dreams. Allow the conscious third eye to join the team. Very little can be achieved from a sitting position. Follow the footprints of inhibitions. Create an address somewhere beyond the moon. Build a spaceship to soar. Document the flight plan, practice and score. Words make claims physical excursion builds strong muscles. Explain nothing. Hold on to yourself. Expect more from the talents you possess. Read between the lines when the contract is confusing. Never agree, take a moment to decide what's best. Unwind self-reliance. Stir the embers that build the intensity of the blaze. Positive thinking should be nourished to never fade. One step confirms the ability to move. Fast forward everything that matters is beyond dark doubts. Rediscover what life is truly about. Manifest greatness.
© Daniel Mason