

love story
In realms unseen, where spirits soar,
There lies a love forevermore,
A love that's pure, devoid of stain,
Divine embrace that heals all pain.

In tender whispers, angels speak,
Of love so strong, so rare, so meek,
It spreads its wings with endless grace,
Filling every sacred space.

From heavens high, its radiance beamed,
Through earthly vessels, it gleamed,
A beacon shone, a guiding light,
Forever shining, day and night.

Its gentle touch can mend the heart,
And banish shadows, tear apart,
Every doubt and every fear,
With love so boundless, ever near.

This divine love, like rivers flow,
Through souls united, it does grow,
In every beat of every heart,
It weaves a bond that shall not part.

It is a love that knows no end,
A love that's meant to freely send,
Its radiant beams to all who seek,
With open hearts and spirits meek.

So let us bask in love's pure glow,
Embrace its warmth, let passion grow,
For in divine love, we'll find our home,
A sanctuary where souls may roam.

© V.G