

Poems of a pessimist ~ imagining heaven
I've always imagined if heaven is real
You'd be looking down on me and quite unsure of what you see
Nothing to be proud of
Angels would despise getting my watch duty
Wishing there was no soul in me
Because I'd be a cumbersome job to hold

Watching me would leave their brains with welts and holes
Their eyes would molt that shade of Rose
And they would witness the same dreary view I hold
Feel the warmth of ignorance fade
Augmented melancholy
sickly rain parade

I imagine if heaven is real
There's no seat for me
And no repeal
I'd never witness pearly gates
My sins have paved a deeper way
Not quite in the ground
I imagine purgatory is my rightful destination
Or maybe that's my cowardly persuasion

Always in my ear
I can't swat It away
It's coming from inside
My Brain
My head
How I dread angelic frets

I imagine heaven
As hell sugar coated
The devil in a costume
Goat in a robe
robbing the remaining morsels of dignity and soul
Angels just corpses strung up by their throats

I imagine heaven in shades of scarlet
blood baths , angels dipping their toes
behold Gods wrath
I envision it so
with breaking of bones
skulls built into a throne
that goat in a robe
wraps me in thorns
and plays with the sinner
he loves to adorn the wicked
scars give character
he's twisted
atleast that's what I envision

I imagine heaven as a pound
cages stacked
angels and sinners lay down
one of the same but one half accepted his name
I imagine heaven as a wicked trick being played
there is no paradise beyond the Pearly gates
just more day by day
god given suffering
we are his toys
he plays the ploys
angels used like Barbies
gameplay of an angry boy
heads plucked off
limbs rearranged
the ultimate display
of God's complex
I do attest
I imagine heaven unhinged
in a bloody mess

© Jada E. Clark

#heaven #hell #imagine