

Alive and Kicking

I lie beneath a sky of inky blue,
Crisp air of the early morning dew,
The scent of flowers that sweep through,
In a world anew.

My soul bursting, heart racing,
The sun warming my skin,
Life in every limb, life within,
I'm alive and kicking.

The sounds of birds on the breeze,
The rustles of leaves in the trees,
The frogs singing in choir,
My senses reborn acquire.

My body so light on my feet,
Peaceful thoughts and deep,
The day ablaze with the light of the sun,
Creates the greatest of fun.

The sense of joy abounding,
A feeling that is resounding,
A smile wide and bright,
A better day is finally in sight.

The air carries a message of hope,
A pathway that leads to the rope,
Bringing me back to life,
Breathing new life in with every stride.

My mind clear and body on fire,
The world feeling much less dire,
A time for living, a time for soaring,
I'm alive and kicking evermore.