

Children stalking
"You look like a stork!"
we said
and ran away,
to someone a little older
with red panty hose.

there was an enimy
on every corner,
who just wanted
to beat the shit out of me,
and my younger brother.

Went home
to my step dad and said:
"Thery wait for me and
my little brother!'

My step father said:
" I think you asked for it
so I do not
really bother,
for you
or the little brother!"

Then come a day
when my children come
home and say:

"thery are bugging us
over here
in the yard."

Then I draw my
step father
bull shit card
went over into the yard.

"Are you threating my
are you a little in wildtren?"

There were none
all of them gone👈

© Lucia