

A Treasure from God
Priceless, what a value you are to behold?
A gift from heaven,
To be cherished and nourished;
Created to flourish in my hands.

A glimpse of you; a coat of many colors in my sight.
Just as Precious Stones with its shades;
A Diamond that glitters in my world forever,
A Pearl that fills me with a wealth of wisdom,
A Blue Opal that gives serenity to me,
An Emerald smile that lits up my space.

With you, my world is an adventure
To purity, peace, and endless joy.
You fill my days with laughter and delight
A never-ending joyous sight.
You're the best,
You're my golden treasure,
The one I hold so dear,
You're mine till Eternity.

© The Pearl_Lines