

Election - Selection
Elections are around the corner,
Every political party is going bonkers,
Power hungry in the garb of angels,
Experts in the art of betrayal...

Why is politics not a syllabus in school?
No one thinks of it as a career to pursue,
Politics should also be a field to consider,
Education system should administer,
Include it in the basic curriculum,
Generation next will make informed decisions...

I was uninterested in politics back then,
Because it is labelled as a 'dirty game,'
Now that I understand it a bit well,
The significance attached to that chair,
Choose a politician who deserves that seat,
By casting a vote, let's do our bit...

But Remember...
Voting for a candidate in the course,
Is voting for an entire party at force,
So let's decide carefully,
For we have the power to create history...

© Polkola
#politics #election #vote #citizen #education #power #india