

A Linguistic Kiss of My Love
When I think about all the galaxies out there making up all the stars in our skies,
I think it is nothing compared to Him making those twinkles in Your eyes.
If I had all of the treasures of the earth's fortune,
or even if I owned the moon,
it would mean nothing compared unto love from You.
If I could dream of the best land to live,
with mountain, orchards, and all it could give,
it could not comfort me as much as Your kindness is.
Oh, sweet and gentle, elegant and graceful,
what wonderful things You have,
neat and pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, and loving,
oh, what wonderful friend that I have.
Please, know this, from the depths out of all that I am, I really do love You, and want to so much more, if I have Your permission, as with the Lord’s, to give You all of my heart for all of Yours.
© Brother Stephen Scottt