

A bouquet of love, scented
with blood
My sleeping angel, fallen down
from above
Rose red kisses that
lightens the dark
Bowed silhouettes now ghosting
my heart
The portrait full moon hangs
as a saint
The stars in their stations
scream... Radiate

In my eyes she was drowned like
forbidden atlantis
A tomb of her passion , voices in
its Cadence
Submerged in my heart, so
A werewolf pulse beat, in anamorphic
Under the waves in a ocean drowned
Of saints
She commanded the fire in hell...

I imagined heaven In her eyes
Strobing Thunder in her life
A storm of heartbeats, synched
elegies of night
The chorus of Angel's singing unite
A trauma of lighting to incineIate
The flash of the cosmos in
tuned.... Radiate

There submerged in depths of the
Never breathed an eve as much
narcotic as this
We were two hellhounds driven
Howling at the silver moon... Radiate

Our star crossed heartaches, l
sketched sexed deadways
Under wishing stars, sensually forming
Our names
Glancing into futures blessed
and insane
Making promises under heavens
Blessings given to the flash.... Radiate

In the gardens of eden our words
A gathering of poems where our
tongues were blured
Our sins spoken against a vanitous sun
Winged last symphonies in
purgatory undone
A army of heaven stricken, forced
The clasp of passion thunders

The compass hardened by the
lost prophecy
Buried under wintertimes, blessed
A Singing chorus rounded in a
rhythm of souls
A epitaph of eternal love that will
never Let go
A bleeding love drawn with
passionate paint
Valentine ceremonies in fog.... Radiate

I beg to release her arms to the
warmth of my skin
Drowned in a passion entwined
with our sin
Sky falling around us in
kaleidoscope eyes
Feathered touches in our words
The gallery of mementos, in future
Our fate
I kiss her in starlight, my soul
© Ernesto De La Pena III