

Time traveller

. ⏳Time traveller⏳

I'm a Time traveller
That you cannot see
I'm running out of time
To change my destiny.

I've travelled every galaxy
Far and and also wide
I've seen the futures end
On every other side.

I cannot really change
The many things I've seen
I cannot say to you
For the places I have been.

I've witnessed Worlds collide
In peace and also war
I've witnessed many deaths
Behind every door.

I've had encounters
With many races
Non believers
Without faces.

I've travelled throughout
The history of earth
I've witnessed miracles
Of every birth.

I've seen the changes
I cannot speak
Of forgotten dreams
Of those who seek.

I've been to hell
Of endless fears
I've searched time
Throughout the years.

A time traveller
I journey alone
I have no place
To call my home..

© Alan Goddard